
Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer. I couldn’t agree more with this statement!

Hello Friends! I’ve been absent from my blog for quite some time for good reason. Last August, my daughter and her family of 5 moved to Austria on a 3-year contract. Incredible changes for all of us, but BIG OPPORTUNITIES as well! Over the fall and winter, my husband and I have travelled twice to Austria to visit with our family and explore Europe. We feel fortunate to have the opportunity to do so, and the next trip is well underway in the planning stages.

It feels good to be back in my scrapbook room creating again, and this layout seemed the logical place to start sharing with you. It was inspired by my Aunt who asked “Do you know how many steps you’re taking on these journeys?” That question got me thinking, and when I was back home I sat down with an excel spreadsheet and my fitness tracker to figure it out. We were constantly on the go, taking advantage of every day and opportunity while we were overseas. However, I had no idea we had logged over 1,000 kilometres and almost 1 & 1/2 million steps! Of course, I had to scrapbook this accomplishment and include the beautiful places we visited during our travels.

I turned to the Designs by Reminisce collection called Take Flight to create this layout. The specific paper is called “In the Clouds“. I love how the plane’s wings stretch across the whole page, and I knew I could fill in the white space below with lots of trip details. I turned to Microsoft Word and my Canon PRO-100 to print these details directly onto the 12″ x 12″ patterned paper. Before taking this step, I printed a draft copy onto a 12″ x 12” piece of vellum, and overlay it on the patterned paper to ensure everything fit within the space available. This process allowed me to make any adjustments required without wasting the beautiful patterned paper.

Once the picture was in place, small wooden airplanes were added to emphasize that we made multiple trips during our stay. These wooden airplanes were a Dollar Store purchase. The tails on the planes were traced with a thin Sharpie Marker by utilizing the Mini Swirls & Dots stencil from The Crafters Workshop. I have owned this stencil for well over 10 years, and I don’t believe it is still available.

The globe was stamped using my 12″ by 12″ Memory MISTI. This stamp comes from a travel collection called Road Trip by Recollections and was purchased at Michaels. The sunglasses are a small wooden embellishment also purchased at the Dollar Store. They were sprayed black and then covered with Ranger’s Glossy Accents to help them stand out and look more authentic. The title phrase was added using my type cardstock stickers from Doodlebug Designs Inc., and Malaga (found below the picture) was added using black Alphabet Soup Puffy Stickers, also from Doodlebug.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my first travel post. I look forward to sharing more of our travels and our family’s adventures overseas soon. Until next time, stay safe, stay well and Happy Scrapping!